The Firefighter Badge by BRECK iD honors your dedication to firefighting and provides an important medical alert. This badge helps first responders instantly recognize your background, ensuring that your commitment to service is known and that you receive the care you deserve in an emergency. Attach it to your wristband for a powerful symbol of your bravery and the reassurance of being identified quickly when it matters most.
The Badge effortlessly attaches to our Wrist ID products (PRO, PRO THIN, SLEEK, SPRINT and ENDURANCE), seamlessly nestling alongside your ID plate.
We have three colors to choose from: Silver, Black and Gold. Each come in three different widths: 12mm, 15mm and 19mm. Only certain BRECK iDs will fit the badges so make sure you order the correct type (see below). If your not sure, just send us a and we'll sort it out for you.
The 12mm fits: The Sprint ID - 10 badges
The 15mm fits these IDs: Shoe ID - one badge only, Pro Thin ID - 10 badges, Endurance ID - one badge only
The 19mm fits these IDs: Pro ID - 10 badges, Sleek - 10 badges
Small pieces, not for children under 3 years of age.